Working with us.
What to expect.
We know that working with any new consultants for the first time often prompts a few questions. Sometimes more than a few concerns, too. This page is intended to help answer some of these questions.
Laying The Foundation
To begin any project, we will schedule information-gathering meetings or phone calls between our team and your key staff. Although this process can be somewhat time-consuming (we don’t like meetings any more than you do), it is also crucially important. It will help you sharpen focus and objectives, and it will help us ensure that what we produce is well-considered and appropriately executed.
Good creative and technical work doesn’t often come in a flash of inspiration; usually it comes from diligent planning and forethought, analysis and brainstorming. We will include a target schedule for your project, based on its complexity and our current workload. Of course, if you’re project has a tight deadline, we can adjust our schedule to accommodate.
Too many cooks…
It is our experience that it is best if we first present our strategy and/or rough concepts to your project manager and just one or two others. After presenting, we’ll ask for your feedback. The more objective and specific you can be, the better we will be able to respond.
Ensuring Your Satisfaction
During the course of the project we keep your project manager informed of our progress. Activities that will affect the schedule or budget are identified in writing. Our goal is to keep your project moving ahead quickly, smoothly, and cost-effectively; to make sure that we’ll produce even better results than you hired us for.
Our Billing
Our invoices are based on the time we invest in a project. Currently we bill our time at an agency rate of $125 per hour. Project costs usually range from a couple thousand dollars up to tens of thousands, depending on scope of work required. We always provide a detailed proposal and estimate for approval before starting.