Website Design Examples
Website design and Interactive media projects can seem simple on the surface, but as the project gets under-way, the hidden complexity soon reveals it’s self. Our experience, planning and problem solving makes all the difference.
Your website should be the cornerstone of your business marketing plan. Everything can be tied into and tracked via your website to provide you with real Return on Investment numbers.
Overcoming an INCREDIBLE variety of challenges...
Some of these websites were designed from scratch while others came with technical challenges ranging from WordPress themes that were no longer supported to external templating systems that went out of business and left the site owners unable to edit or update their website.
We look at each challenge as an opportunity to learn and add to our 23 years of experience in web design, web development, Search Engine Optimization and online marketing.
If you have a problem we've probably seen before and we'll have a solution that gets you into a fast, secure, well-maintained WordPress or WooCommerce website.
Why WordPress? Why WooCommerce?
WordPress can be considered an "industry standard" in web design. It is the preferred Content Management System (CMS) choice for site building an up to 40% of the websites now in existence have been built using WordPress.
As a result it has a huge ecosystem and an incredible pool of developers designing software what works within the WordPress ecosystem. What this means is tons of excellent page builders, plugins, themes and services that cater to any need you can imagine.
WooCommerce is similarly popular: 4.4 million sites run the WooCommerce e-commerce software. It became so popular that the company that owns WordPress, Automattic, purchase WooCommerce and is driving the development farther and faster with it's deep pockets and insider knowledge.